Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Hello and welcome to a new school year!  We are excited to have you in our 8th grade math class and we are looking forward to a great learning experience together!

Please check this website frequently as we will be using it to post daily homework, classroom announcements and resources for extra help.

HOMEWORK #1 due tomorrow 9/10: Completed Student Information Sheets

Click on the link below if you need to print another Student Information Sheet:

Student Information Sheet

Click on the link below to see/print the welcome letter and forms that were distributed in class today:

First Day Packet

Here's a bonus for visiting our site!  Just click on the link below, print the certificate and bring it to class tomorrow for us to sign and you can use it for 5 bonus points on any test or quiz. :)

Bonus Certificate

Your math teachers,

Mr. Lamonaca & 
Mr. Ignall