Monday, December 21, 2015

Unit Test Study Guide for Angle Relationships

Click on the link below for the Study Guide for the Unit Test on Angles:

LINK ===>  Study Guide Angle Relationships

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Homework #27

Create your own reflected image. You can draw an image or print something off the internet.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

HW #12

Create TWO Exponent Expressions for each category:

a) Less than 1
b) Equal to 1
c) Greater than 1


Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday 9/28 Homework for House 4 (Classes 449 and 451)

In the picture below are the two answers that were given for the expression we simplified in class today.

For homework tonight (Monday 9/28), look at the two approaches and decide which simplified answer you believe is correct.  Then answer the following questions in the Homework section of your notebook.

1) Which answer do you think is correct?  Why?

2) Which mistake was made in the answer that wasn't correct?
Bonus: How could you correct the mistake?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Exponents Website Links


Negative Exponents
Multiplication of Exponents (with SAME BASE)
Division of Exponents (with SAME BASE)
Power to Power (Exponent raised to another Exponent)
Exponents with Bases that are Fractions (Fractional Bases)



Thursday, September 10, 2015

Homework #2

Tonight, you will write two paragraphs about perseverance (on loose leaf, to be collected).

Paragraph 1: Describe a time when you became frustrated trying to finish something (either in the classroom or outside of school) but you persevered and completed the task.

Paragraph 2: How did you feel when you finished the task?  Why do you think you finished the task instead of quitting when you became frustrated?

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Hello and welcome to a new school year!  We are excited to have you in our 8th grade math class and we are looking forward to a great learning experience together!

Please check this website frequently as we will be using it to post daily homework, classroom announcements and resources for extra help.

HOMEWORK #1 due tomorrow 9/10: Completed Student Information Sheets

Click on the link below if you need to print another Student Information Sheet:

Student Information Sheet

Click on the link below to see/print the welcome letter and forms that were distributed in class today:

First Day Packet

Here's a bonus for visiting our site!  Just click on the link below, print the certificate and bring it to class tomorrow for us to sign and you can use it for 5 bonus points on any test or quiz. :)

Bonus Certificate

Your math teachers,

Mr. Lamonaca & 
Mr. Ignall